22 Ideas for Organizing Important Documents, Bills, and Receipts

You can get organized with these tips and products to make your life easier and less cluttered.

Jessica Bennett is an editor, writer, and former digital assistant home editor at BHG.

Updated on July 21, 2023

organized desk with baskets and places to put bills receipts and documents

Countertop and inbox clutter can be fixed with simple solutions for organizing important documents, bills, and receipts. Get paper pile-ups under control with efficient strategies for sorting and storing. Use these clever ideas to get your paperwork under control (and keep it that way).

Streamlined System

small office area with rolling doors

Stash everything you need to accomplish a task in one designated area. For example, if you frequently need to jot down notes and address envelopes, a desktop organizer is ideal for storing writing utensils and supplies. Keep items you don't use as much tucked away in a nearby but out-of-the-way spot, like boxes or bins on upper shelves.

Reorder and Recycle

White shelving with boxes

Stop searching high and low for papers and receipts. Instead, an effective way of organizing important documents is to use a lidded file box. Stackable storage containers are also an option for keeping paperwork in order. Designate an hour each month to sort through the containers to stay organized. Then, toss things you no longer need and archive last month's bills and receipts in a separate file.

Built-in Solution

<a href=hidden cabinet pockets kitchen fridge" width="1280" height="1924" />

Keep your essential paperwork in an easy-access spot that's out of sight. Install built-in shelves and pockets on the interior of a shallow cabinet in the kitchen or office to store items that would typically clutter refrigerator doors, countertops, and desks. Closing the door conceals the storage area for a tidy look.

Action Items

shelves hooks command center

Organizing important documents, incoming mail, and papers is a snap with separate slots for different actions. Whether it's a permission slip, bill, or birthday card, this simple system helps you keep track of items to send and those you have yet to open. Keep up with organizing to ensure that the to-be-filed area doesn't overflow and action items get sent out when necessary.

File It Away

file cabinet

Go with filing cabinets for organizing important documents and other papers (like kids' school projects) you'd like to keep. Label your files and take time to sort all of your documents into the appropriate sections. Setting up the filing cabinet with an organized system right away will help you keep it well-ordered in the long run.

Important Document Organizer

Organized closet with seating and drawers

Designate a cabinet or closet for organizing important documents away from your main desk area. Lidded file boxes and stacked drawers make it easy to keep each family member's papers and school projects tidy. Attach labels to the front of each drawer or bin so each person knows which spot is theirs.

Wall Files

Wire baskets hanging on wall filled with papers

Install hanging magazine holders on the wall to organize mail and other documents quickly and efficiently. Choose wire files to help keep things visible and fresh in your mind. Label the hanging files so you know where each type of document should go.

Rolled Up

Wire baskets filled with colored papers

Need an accessible storage option for craft paper and supplies? Install wall organizers to collect crafting materials in a simple and organized way. For large sheets of craft paper, roll them up (printed side out) and secure them with paper clips so you can quickly view the colors or patterns you have on hand. Wire baskets (available at Amazon) make it easy to see where supplies are stored, while labels make putting them away quick and easy.

Convenient Cubbies


Cubbies built into a desk or cabinet can be just the right size for storing loose papers and other office essentials. Assign each family member a cubby and add file sorters for corralling their paperwork. Organizing important documents and other items by each person is a great way to stay on top of your mail and keep track of kids' papers.

Eye-Catching Display

Desk with wall hanging organizer

Organize photos, invitations, and memos in plain sight with an attractive wall hanging. Choose an organizer with a customizable design that allows you to change up the arrangement to meet your storage needs. This stylish solution functions as wall decor while keeping everything on hand for when you need it.

Space-Saving Solution

Board filled with important documents

Sync your family's busy schedules with a communication center in a central location, like the home office, kitchen, or entryway. Many wall-mount organizers, such as bulletin boards and wire file holders, utilize vertical space, leaving drawers and desk surfaces for other uses. Use labels to designate areas for each family member or sort paperwork by activity. Leave room on the bulletin board to hang cards and artwork or post messages.

Handy Reading Material

Gray shelf with wire organizer

Stashing magazines in filing cabinets can lead to a backlog of forgotten issues. Instead, keep reading material within reach using an attractive storage basket or bin that complements your decor. Remember to purge old or untouched items regularly to avoid a paper pileup.

Expense Tracker

Metal basket with separate filing shelves

A well-ordered letter tray makes managing your finances and organizing important documents simple. Choose one with several stacked sections to organize bills, receipts, mail, and other statements while taking up little desk space. Label each tray so you can quickly sort information.

Custom Clutter Control

Wall filing with glasses and papers

Create a family command center to help corral paper clutter. A modular wall organizer like this one keeps papers on hand and off the desk. Use each compartment to organize by family member or category items, such as bills, schoolwork, and notepads. Add metal hooks (available at Amazon) nearby for holding keys and other grab-and-go items.

Message Center

Organized desk with items on wall

Keep clutter at bay with a multipurpose workstation. This communication hub is built from a patchwork of magnet, dry-erase, chalkboard, cork, and pegboard squares behind the built-in desktop. The combination of materials ensures that messages and papers can be stored in versatile ways. Use magnetic boards (available at Amazon) to hold papers you need only temporarily, dry-erase boards and chalkboards to jot down quick messages, cork boards to stick more permanent papers on (favorite take-out menus, emergency phone numbers), and pegboard squares to mount containers for desk supplies.

Smart System

Container with file folders and writing utensils

When organizing important documents and other essential paperwork, create a personal filing system that works for you (even if it's outside the box). Although intended for dishes, this drying rack ($5, Target) works great for storing file folders and notebooks. Use the slotted compartment designed for sponges to stash small office supplies like pens, pencils, and notepads.

Tray Dividers

Drawer with metal trays filled with items

Divvy up storage space to prevent loose papers from overwhelming desk drawers. Quarter-sheet baking pans make great clutter-catchers in shallow drawers. Designate a tray for each need, such as organizing important documents, stashing mail supplies, or corralling bills. This will help keep your desk surface clutter-free.

Hanging Clipboards

Four clipboards with blackboard paint on wall

Fashion a vertical paper organizing station by hanging a group of clipboards on the wall. Add labels to designate a function for each clipboard, such as a spot to post invitations for upcoming events or stash bills yet to be paid. Cover each clipboard with chalkboard paint before hanging them to create a surface to jot down messages and to-dos.

Kids' Organization

Red desk with organized items

Keep homework and school papers organized with a simple filing system. Standing files with tabbed dividers sort documents by subject or activity, making it easy to separate classes from extracurriculars. Add other desktop organizers in various sizes to keep frequently used supplies like pencils, scissors, and paper clips within easy reach.

Organize On-the-Go

File folder containers filled with receipts

Fill an index card case (available at Amazon) with coupons and receipts to create a portable organizer. Use alphabetized divider tabs for sorting so you never have to search for a receipt again. The mini file folder is easy to stow in a purse—just be sure to stash it where you'll remember to grab it before running errands.

Sort and Separate

White basket on wall filled with documents

Designate a spot for incoming mail so it doesn't end up in a jumbled pile on the countertop. Mount an organizer, such as a wall file pocket, in an accessible location near the entryway. Make sure your mail organizer is large enough to accommodate bigger items, such as magazines or catalogs.

Savvy Shelving

Metal hanging organizer with papers and other items

Take advantage of unused wall space to contain clutter. This hanging organizer repurposed from a metal poultry feeder, is mounted on iron shelf brackets and uses magnetic strips to keep contents in place. The sections along the top help sort mail, cards, and receipts. Simplify organization with magnetic labels, and fill mini canisters with small supplies like rubber bands and paper clips.

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