How to file a complaint against your bank for no response to your problem: Do this fast

Filing Complaint against banks: If your bank is not paying heed to your complaints of unsatisfactory service being offered to you, you can file a complaint with the banking ombudsman; your guide to what you should do

How to file a complaint against your bank for no response to your problem: Do this fast

Filing Complaint against banks: Banking Ombudsman does not charge any fee for filing and resolving customers’ complaints: Source: Reuters

Did you file a complaint against your bank and are not satisfied with the response? Well, in that case, you can file a complaint with the banking ombudsman. One can file a complaint before the Banking Ombudsman if the reply is not received from the bank within a period of one month after the bank concerned has received one's complaint, or the bank rejects the complaint, or if the complainant is not satisfied with the reply given by the bank.

The Banking Ombudsman does not charge any fee for filing and resolving customers’ complaints. The complainant can be filed by one s authorized representative (other than an advocate).

What is the procedure for filing the complaint before the Banking Ombudsman?

One can file a complaint with the Banking Ombudsman simply by writing on a plain paper. One can also file it online at (“click here to lodge a complaint”) or by sending an email to the Banking Ombudsman. There is a form along with details of the scheme on our website. However, it is not mandatory to use this format.

Where can one lodge his/her complaint?

One may lodge his/ her complaint at the office of the Banking Ombudsman under whose jurisdiction, the bank branch complained against, is situated. For complaints relating to credit cards and other types of services with centralized operations, complaints may be filed before the Banking Ombudsman within whose territorial jurisdiction the billing address of the customer is located.

Addresses of banking ombudsman - You can write an email to the banking ombudsman under whose jurisdiction your bank falls. The name, email address and phone number of your respective ombudsman can be obtained by visiting the above URL.

The customers are entitled to compensation under the rules that govern the banking industry.

Is there any limit on the amount of compensation as specified in an Award?

The amount, if any, to be paid by the bank to the complainant by way of compensation for any loss suffered by the complainant is limited to the amount arising directly out of the act or omission of the bank or ₹ 20 lakhs (₹ Two Million), whichever is lower.

Know when your complaint not be considered by the Ombudsman?

Your complaints will not be considered by the banking ombudsman under any one or all of the following conditions:

-- One has not approached his bank for redressal of his grievance first

-- One has not made the complaint within one year from the date of receipt of the reply of the bank or if no reply is received, and the complaint to Banking Ombudsman is made after the lapse of more than one year and one month from the date of complaint made to the bank

-- The subject matter of the complaint is pending for disposal / has already been dealt with at any other forum like a court of law, consumer court etc

-- Frivolous or vexatious complaints

-- The institution complained against is not covered under the scheme

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-- The subject matter of the complaint is not pertaining to the grounds of complaint specified under Clause 8 of the Banking Ombudsman Scheme. If the complaint is for the same subject matter that was settled through the office of the Banking Ombudsman in any previous proceedings