American Indian thought : philosophical essays
Responsibility edited by Anne Waters. Imprint Oxford ; Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub., 2004. Physical description xxxviii, 306 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
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Contributor Waters, Anne.
- Notes on Contributors AcknowledgmentsIntroductionPart I: American Indians and Philosophy
- :1. Vine Deloria, Jr.: Why We Respect Our Elders Burial GroundsPart II: Epistemology and Knowing
- :2. Brian Yazzie Burkhart: What Coyote and Thales Can Teach U
- s3. V.F. Cordova: Approaches to Native American Philosoph
- y4. John Dufour: Epistemology and UnderstandingPart III: Science, Math, Logic
- :5. Gregory Cajete: A Philosophy of Native Scienc
- e6. Thomas Norton Smith: Indigenous Numerical Though
- t7. Anne Waters: That Alchemical Bering Strait TheoryPart IV: Metaphysics and Being
- :8. Ted Jojola: Notes on Identity, Time, Place, and Spac
- e9. Anne Waters: Language Matters: NonDiscreet NonBinary Dualis
- m10. Maureen E. Smith: Crippling the Spirit, Wounding the Soul: Native American Spiritual and Religious SuppressionPart V: Phenomenology and Ontolog
- y11. Marilyn Notah Verney: On Authenticit
- y12. Leslie Nawagesic: The Phenomenology of a Mugwump Lif
- e13. Anne Waters: Ontology of Identity and Interstitial BeingPart VI: Ethics and Respect
- :14. V.F. Cordova: Ethics: The We and the
- I15. Thurmond Lee Hester: Choctaw Conceptions of the Excellence of the Self, with Implications for a Native Education
- 16. Laurie Anne Whitt: Commodification of KnowledgePart VII: Social and Political
- :17. Steve Russell: Jurisprudence of Colonialis
- m18. Dale Turner: Oral Traditions and the Politics of (Mis)recognitio
- n19. Annette Arkeketa: Repatriation: Religious Freedom, Equal Opportunity, and Institutional RacismPart VIII: Aesthetics
- :20. V.F. Cordova: Ethics: From an Artist's Point of Vie
- w21. David Martinez: Along the Horizon A World Appears: George Morrison and the Pursuit of an American Indian Aestheti
- c22. Thurmond Lee Hester: On Philosophical Discourse: Some Intercultural MusingsBibliographyIndex.
- (source: Nielsen Book Data)
- Part I: American Indians and Philosophy:
- 1. Why We Respect Our Elders Burial Grounds: Vine Deloria, Jr. Part II: Epistemology and Knowing:
- 2. What Coyote and Thales Can Teach Us: Brian Yazzie Burkhart.
- 3. Approaches to Native American Philosophy: V.F. Cordova.
- 4. Epistemology and Understanding: John Dufour. Part III: Science, Math, Logic:
- 5. A Philosophy of Native Science: Gregory Cajete.
- 6. Indigenous Numerical Thought: Thomas Norton Smith.
- 7. That Alchemical Bering Strait Theory: Anne S. Waters. Part IV: Metaphysics and Being:
- 8. Notes on Identity, Time, Place, and Space: Ted Jojola.
- 9. Language Matters: NonDiscreet NonBinary Dualism: Anne S. Waters.
- 10. Crippling the Spirit, Wounding the Soul: Native American Spiritual and Religious Suppression: Maureen E. Smith. Part V: Phenomenology and Ontology:
- 11. On Authenticity: Marilyn Notah Verney.
- 12. The Phenomenology of a Mugwump Life: Leslie Nawagesic.
- 13. Ontology of Identity and Interstitial Being: Anne S. Waters. Part VI: Ethics and Respect:
- 14. Ethics: The We and the I: V.F. Cordova.
- 15. Choctaw Conceptions of the Excellence of the Self, with Implications for a Native Education: Thurmond Lee Hester.
- 16. Commodification of Knowledge: Laurie Anne Whitt. Part VII: Social and Political:
- 17. Jurisprudence of Colonialism: Steve Russell.
- 18. Oral Traditions and the Politics of (Mis)recognition: Dale Turner.
- 19. Repatriation: Religious Freedom, Equal Opportunity, and Institutional Racism: Annette Arkeketa. Part VIII: Aesthetics:
- 20. Ethics: From an Artist's Point of View: V.F. Cordova.
- 21. Along the Horizon A World Appears: George Morrison and the Pursuit of an American Indian Aesthetic: David Martinez.
- 22. On Philosophical Discourse: Some Intercultural Musings: Thurmond Lee Hester.
- (source: Nielsen Book Data)
Bibliographic information
Publication date 2004 ISBN 0631223037 (alk. paper) 0631223045 (pbk. : alk. paper) 9780631223030 (alk. paper) 9780631223047 (pbk. : alk. paper)